22-24 October 2025
Congress Hall, CCI Turkmenistan Building
Chandybil Street, Ashgabat - Turkmenistan

OGT Expo

28th edition of OGT Expo will be held in Congress Hall, CCI Turkmenistan Building Chandybil Street, Ashgabat - Turkmenistan on 22-24 October 2025.

The show is dedicated to oil and gas industry. The oil and gas industry is a key contributor to country's economic success. Together with the development of a stable legal foundation, in line with international standards, Turkmenistan has established the necessary conditions for attracting investment to oil and gas sector.

 The last edition in 2024 was attended by 65 international companies those intending to develop mutual beneficial partnership with Turkmen exhibitors and 3500+ registered professional visitors. Companies from Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Russia, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, U.A.E., UK, Ukraine, U.S.A. participated at OGT EXPO 2024.

Turkmenistan Economy

The development of the economy of Turkmenistan is carried out based on the national and state programs designed for the short and long-term periods. Today, Turkmenistan has a diversified, multifunctional economy  represented by enterprises of the electric power industry, chemical, petrochemical industries, oil and gas production, oil refining industries, mechanical engineering and metal-processing, facilities for the production of building materials, light and food industries. It is planned to allocate more than 240 billion manats for the socio-economic development of the country in 2018-2024. 

In recent years, traditional industries have developed significantly: the oil and gas complex, power generation, agriculture, construction, transport and communications. At the same time, work is underway to form new sectors of the economy: the chemical industry, the textile industry, the construction materials industry, and other high-tech areas. 

Possessing high proven reserves of natural gas in the world, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of its geographical location, Turkmenistan pursues a policy of diversifying its international cooperation, in particular, in the energy sector, based on equal access of partners to sources of Turkmen hydrocarbons and means of their delivery. This implies the creation of a multivariate transport and pipeline infrastructure to bring Turkmen energy resources to international energy markets. 

Along with this, determined activities are being carried out to diversify the oil and gas industry, build large industrial facilities specializing in the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, including those related to petro-chemistry, gas chemical and chemical industries, and electric power. 

According to the Program of the country's socio-economic development for 2019-2025, work will continue to create science-intensive industries based on the latest highly efficient and environmentally friendly technologies and know-how. In the oil and gas sector, it is planned to build and modernize a number of large facilities. 

In general, the implementation of the country's socio-economic development strategy for the coming years and its most important component - the oil and gas industry - will significantly strengthen the economic power of Turkmenistan.
Organizers of Exhibition

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan
Net Organization